Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The PET Experience

I just got back from the imaging center at Baptist Hospital. The procedure was not that bad. Here's how it went:

I went and got EEG leads placed. They then wrapped my head tightly with gauss so that the leads would not fall off as they took me over to imaging. I get there and go over some paperwork and they request some cash before doing the test. Then they stick me with some saline fluid and a "butter-fly" needle. After a wee-bit of saline, the tech brougt out the radio-active stuff, glucose with radioactive flurine. Not much... just a few ml. He had to bring it out in a case about the diameter of my arm and perhaps 10" high. After inserting that, they had me sit in the dark for 45 minutes. The instructions were to try to rest and not think too much. THAT was rough. After about 30 minutes my head started hurting really bad. I'm not sure if it was lack of food, the EEG leads pressing into my head, or the radio-active positrons flying out of my head. But I made it through and then they removed the portable EEG & Leads. Then they put me in the tube detector thingy. It was a bit larger than an MRI, but not nearly as loud. I only had to stay in that for 10 minutes. And that was it!

I got a copy of the images. I'm still figuring out how to get the things off the disk and onto the net. Soon as I figure it out, I will post. I won't know any news about the test until my dr. or another Dr. gets to do the analysis.


Matt Geyer said...

Thats like.
and Awesome!

can't wait to see the picks!

Matt Geyer said...

And in related, but unrelated news, there was a neat breakthrough reported today, and its somewhat related to your PET scan!

Well a little bit related.

Well they mentioned it in the article

anyways here you go.

Matt Geyer said...

cant make link clicky :(

Unknown said...

Ok... that is the last think I ever expected to hear out of your mouth! "can't make link clicky"

did you mean that you can't imbed the hyperlink?