Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Live with passion

Kathy Sierra, who I have quoted before, wrote this very inspiring article about a seizure she had and how it reminded her again to live life with passion. Here is a selection from the piece:

...Sunday was my birthday, which capped four fabulous days at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival. Walking back to my hotel Sunday evening, I collapsed in the street and began having seizures. The ambulance came, and I spent the night in the ER. As I slipped in and out of consciousness, I thought I was going to die.

I probably wasn't in any serious danger once I was in the care of the paramedics, but that's not what it felt like. The point is that I truly believed that I might not come out of it.

The next morning, when it was clear I was going to be fine, everything looked a little more beautiful. Trees were greener. The sky was bluer. People were nicer and better-looking. And all I could think about was how damn lucky I was...

...So here I am, appreciating everything in that way that you do whenever you've had a close call (or at least thought it was a close call)...

...And we know that if we can hang on to this feeling, our lives will be richer. Or as Tyler Durden says in the movie Fight Club after threatening to kill the shop clerk unless the clerk pursues his original dream of becoming a vet, "tomorrow his breakfast will taste better than it ever has..."

But somehow, it's so easy to forget. So easy to slip into that daily world of things that seem important, but that if faced with the last day of our life would seem ridiculously trivial...

Really, do check it out. For anyone that has ever had a near death experince, it is just a reminder to get back on track. For anyone that has not had a near-death experince, it's great to get the insight...

Here's to living each day with passion : )

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