As for me...I'm doing well. Not so many seizures. About the same as the previous few weeks: 0-2 a day. Last week was a little higher than this week so far. Probably due to the trip I took. Trips add stress - which is never good for seizures.
Slack Blogger...Yes I know. No posts in 6 days. Pretty shamefull. I'll try to post a few things this week.
Off Topic...The
United States Senate spent a whole week debating whether to amend the Constitution to prevent flag burning (this is a
huge problem here in the U.S. - there have been
34 flag burnings in the last
16 years)... it did not pass, but what a waste of time and tax dollars. It would have been much better to spend a week debating universal health care. There are
40 million people with no health care in this country. That works out to at least
400,000 people with epilepsy. I plan to write my Senators (
Burr &
Dole) and request that they quit wasting my tax dollars on political drivel and get back to working on real problems that the people of this nation face.
BTW: It is easy to contact your Senators - Click
Here to find your Senator and the page from which to email them.