Friday, June 02, 2006

Epilepsy Activism

Christa and I met with Dr. Dean today and discussed a number of different projects we would like to start in order to help people with epilepsy. About a year or so ago, Dean moved the Epilepsy Institute of NC to a new facility. In addition to Physician's offices, she also got enough room for a auditorim and several other rooms that can be used for outreach and educational purposes. We are quite excited and are looking forward to working with her to start some support programs for the region's eplepsy community.


Winston said...

So, you are in NC? I have a 5 year old with Epilepsy and we've found it rather suprising how many there are in the triangle area with it, but yet there seems to really be no support organization - no Ep Foundation office or anything.

In any case, you have a new reader.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by! I checked out your new webiste on epilepsy:
I'll put up a link on my blog list today! As for the support organizations in NC... well, that is a long story not well suited for blogging. I'll contact you about it.